All the Year 5's visited Goat Island on April 3rd. We had to leave VERY early from school but it was worth it. We stopped at Albany and had a yummy breakfast at Burger King before heading on to Goat Island. Room 4 went snorkeling first while Room 5 went up to Seafriends for a lecture and to visit the aquariums. After lunch we swapped over. We also had a look at the rocky shore with Dr Floor Anthoni who told us lots of interesting things about the creatures that live there. We had an incredible experience and lots of children fell asleep in the bus on the way home!!
What an amazing day that you all had. You look great in your wetsuits!
Thanks Miss Rosemergy.
Thanks for commenting on our blog Miss Rosemergy.
Cool blog
Cool blog
Room 4 say thanks for thinking we have a cool blog.
i was so tired in the morning (sigh)
Looks like you had fun that day room 4!!!!!
That day was such an AWESOME day!!!!! Except i got really tired!
the trip was great
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