Hello Room 4. Miss McCallister (Trainee Teacher) comes back tomorrow. She will be in Room 4 with us until 15th August. I can hear you cheering!! It will be great to have her back with us.
We have a lot of exciting activities coming up this week for BOOKWEEK. On Monday we have a visit by Tina who is the childrens' librarian at Highland Park Library. On Tuesday we are being visited by Christine Hurst who is an Author. On Wednesday selected children from the Senior school will be doing a Writer's workshop with Sharlene Bodle who is a local Author. On Friday we have our fabulous BOOK CHARACTER parade. Have you organised your costume yet??? Both our visiting authors will be available for book-signing in the LIC after the parade on Friday. Our BOOKFAIR continues in the LIC during the week and the final day is Thursday at lunchtime so get in quick to buy your books.
I had a lot of positive feedback about how much both the children and the parents liked the Home learning being web-based. We will try it again this week so here goes.
1. Remember to keep going onto our Mathletics site-this is a very valuable resource and we need to make the most of it while it is freely available to us this year. We have had many children showing improvement in their maths and earning certificates for their effort.
2. As it is BOOKWEEK and we are focusing on 'Myths and Legends' go into the link on our Favourite Sites and click on "GLOBAL TALES". Click on "AUSTRALIA", follow the instructions and read the story. Choose some of the other countries and read their myths and legends. Be prepared to retell your favourite story.
3. Go onto the link "STORYPLACE" in our Favourite Sites. Try an interactive story at this site. Click on "OTHER THEMES" and choose one of the "TOPSY-TURVY" Tales. Enjoy creating your own story. If you have a printer at home you may like to print it out but ask your parents first please.
4. Some fun interactive maths for you to have a go at-click on "ALIEN ADDITION" in Favourite Sites.
5. Click on "WICKED"-same site as last week-click on "TOPICS". Click on "EINSTEIN" and go into the "Mini Challenge". Have a look at "Einstein's timeline". See if you can create a funky timeline about YOURSELF using photos (or photocopies of photos), dates and information. Present it in an interesting way and bring it to school on Friday 20th. Points to think about:
* Consider colour, layout and design
* Check your dates are correct
* Write a brief caption for each photo
6. Spelling will come home on Thursday.
7. Dragon maths book-Page 33.
Some children have yet to bring their money and permission to attend the "Storylines show on Monday 23rd June.
Enjoy your week everyone.
Hello, Linda, I have come to check out your blog, after you left a great comment on mine. I love the fish aquarium and was fascinated that you were linking back to Australian myths and legends. Let me know if you would like to videoconference using skype one day, as I teach grades 4/5 for information technology as well. Love you blog and the fact that you just have an interactive white board. How are you finding it? We have 3 in our school but the only time that I use them is when we videoconference from the library. Keep in touch.
That Is some fun
Thank-you Mrs Mac for putting our homework on the blogspot!!!!
Hi Mrs Mac!
On the einstein thing im not sure how to make your own timeline?
Hello murcha, am pleased you found your way to our blog. We are having a great time with it. I would definitely be interested in doing a videoconference later in the year maybe. Am itching to get started with the whiteboard, as are the children, but just waiting on some final electrical work to be done any day soon!
this is fun homework
hallo mc kenzie cool homework espiasily the one were you can make up our own characters
from koen and alex
Mrs Mckenzie Tayla is coming 11th in the top 100 students!!! WOW
And Alex is coming 32 in the top 100!!!WOW
And we are coming 8th in top 50 classes!!!WOW
Hello all I am really pleased you are enjoying all the activities. Wow, great news for the Mathletics results. You guys are top stars!
Koen and Alex it is good to see you working together-well done!
Thanks for your comments.
I love these home work
thank you Mrs Mac for looking on the computer for them
our homework is great
cool homework
Do we have to make a timeline?
It is super to see you appreciate the homelearning you are doing this week.
It would be good if you can do the timeline Alice, just keep it simple and if you can't get photos then draw your pictures. Just do your best.
great blog Patti
Is that from Patti in Nice????
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